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Adepa Global Services
6A rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-5365 Munsbach
Adepa Global Services is a public limited company governed by Luxembourg law, registered under number 158609 with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register.
Director of publication: Adepa Global Services.

Aim of the website:

The aim of this website is to present Adepa Global Services (hereinafter “Adepa”), its subsidiaries or affiliates and its activities.
The current website is designed to provide information for Adepa’s clients and persons who are not clients of Adepa. The information published on this website is provided for information purposes only.

Website content:

Adepa reserves the right to change the content of the site or restrict its access, whenever it deems it suitable.
Adepa provides no guarantee that this information is accurate, reliable, up-to-date or complete. Adepa shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the use of this information.
This website contains information made available by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by Adepa. The existence of links to another website shall neither constitute an approval, nor guarantee of the content or the ownership of this other website.
The creation of hypertext links to this website shall be subject to the express prior agreement of Adepa.
Adepa does not accept, under any circumstances, any responsibility for hypertext links from the current website to other websites.
All users are reminded that secrecy with regard to communication over the internet is not guaranteed and that they must take appropriate steps to ensure that their data and/or software are protected from viruses.
Adepa shall not be held responsible if the Client is subject to a phishing attack resulting in the disclosure of confidential information.

Personal data and cookies:

Users of this site are informed that their personal data may be used by Adepa and automatically processed. They are also informed that by accessing this website their personal data may be temporarily stored in memory or registered on their own computer for purposes of facilitating navigation on the website (cookies).
By accessing this website, all users accept in advance any communication of a commercial nature that they receive from Adepa via this website or by electronic mail.


Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other element making up the site, by whatever process or tool, is forbidden and subject to the express permission of Adepa. Failure to do so shall be considered an infringement of copyright.


Access to the website is free with the exception of the costs of internet access (internet providers and telephone communication), which are billed directly to the client by the operator.
Applicable law and competent jurisdictions:
This website, as well as relations and transactions pertaining to it, is governed by Luxembourg law. Adepa undertakes to respect Luxembourg laws and regulations applicable to the use of a website.
All litigation with respect to the current website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Any access to this website shall be considered to have taken place at the head office of Adepa at the date and time shown on the Adepa server, with the connections log serving as proof of these.